Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, I've ALWAYS had an issue with flexibility and tightness. I was reminded of this again when Bill and I decided to do Yoga tonight. It snowed and then icy rained and then rained which kind of derailed our running plans. Besides, I know I should be stretching...and since my hamstrings have been pretty tight since my Sunday run, I figured that yoga certainly wouldn't hurt.

But every time I do yoga I am embarrassed by my inflexibility. Sitting straight up with my legs in front of me I can only reach right below my knees. :(

And I AM one of the only people that I know that can't relax my muscles. (Seriously, my physical therapist had me lie on my side as he held my leg up and told me to relax...5 times. My response? "I AM relaxing!"

So maybe it was a good thing that my run got snowed out. It woke me up to the fact that I do indeed need to include stretching and flexibility exercises as part of my training regimen. And it did relax me quite a bit, even if it was only that I was laughing at the girl on the DVD or at my dog licking my face as I was trying out downward facing dog. :)

1 comment:

Judi said...

You should do yoga once a week if you can. I am sure it helps prevent injury.