Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ew! Ew! Ew!

OK. I had a GREAT run tonight. Don't get me wrong, I was hurting a little. I didn't stretch quite as much as I should have so my calves were tight for about 5 miles. It didn't help that most of that time the run was up hill. But after a while I did loosen up.

Bill was running with me and this time he decided to let me keep the pace. For real. That means, he didn't pass me up or anything, he stayed beside or behind me the whole time. It was 8 miles, which was my longest mid-week run and Bill's longest run ever.

I also was at a photoshoot all day eating like crazy (they always have great catered food) so I didn't know how much I was going to actually feel like running. Especially when the photographer brought out this amazing armagnac for us to try (RIGHT before I was going to leave for my run!). I can't pass up liquor, so I had to stay for the toast. Luckily, none of this seemed to affect my run.

I even kicked it up a notch when my power song came on.

The pace? A 9:40. I am definitely ready to kick it up! 4:30, here I come!!!

Oh, and the title? A RAT ran across our path just as we were finishing our run. GROSS. ( I know, that's what I get for living in New York...but seriously, I haven't seen more than 3 rats since I've been here. I was starting to wonder where they had all gone. I just don't want to almost step on one).

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