Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Short Run!

Tonight was just a short run in the park. But it was great, because it is sooooo warm out here! 51 degrees! I was so excited to run without my gloves, headband and jacket.
It is so funny how my short runs seem SO short. I remember when I decided to "train" for the Hyde Park Blast two years ago. I would get up in the morning, run to the end of my street, cut across the park, run to the end of that street and then come home. It seemed really long. In reality, it was only .75 miles (I just checked on mapmyrun.com)!!!

What I'm really excited for this week is my first hill repeats for this training season. Bill and I are going to go up to the Brooklyn Bridge Thursday and do (at least) 4 climbs. We'll see how it goes, but I am totally up to the challenge.

I am also excited to dig into my Runner's World tonight as I watch the Biggest Loser and get inspired :)

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