Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Off the Radar

Whoops. I have been incredibly negligent with my blog. :(

But I figured between work, running, sleeping and sanity my blog unfortunately fell pretty low on the priority list. Besides, when I am creatively drained from work it seems a little hard to form coherent sentences.

Anyway, I HAVE been running...which is good.

Sunday was another Central Park run and it felt pretty good. I tackled Great Hill again and realized that it isn't all that great. I don't know, I mean it is still a big hill, but I have a difficult time judging hills comparatively. It may not stack up to those incredible Cincinnati hills, but since it is a hill it is worth training on.

The thing I have been having the most trouble with is pacing. Not so much that I am having trouble staying on the same pace...my training with Roncker's taught me how to do that really well. The trouble I'm having is that I want to kick up my pace a little. I've been able to do it on some of my longer runs, but I don't really know what it feels like in comparison to the pace I usually train. I learned pacing in my last marathon training group when we went to the track. That REALLY helped. Unfortunately, I don't have anything like that here. It is easy enough to mark out distances with the city blocks (20 north/south blocks = 1 mile) but the surface is not level AND sometimes you have to stop to let cars pass.

I was looking forward to using my nike+ equipment, but my ipod is having trouble finding my sensor. ..so I really haven't gotten to use it yet.I thought that might help. So until I can get a new one/figure out what is wrong with this one, that idea is out.

So, if anyone has any cool ideas of how I can pick up my pace on my runs without a track so that I can know what it feels like I would be eternally grateful.

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