Monday, March 3, 2008


So, yesterday when I started my run, I noticed a sharp pain in my right knee. I turned around and ran back down the hill to see if it was still there, and it wasn't. But when I ran up the hill on the other side, it came back. I've never actually felt pain like that. It was on the inside of my knee and my knee pain usually comes right above my knee. I also didn't think it was a good sign that it was only in one knee.

So yesterday I took it easy. I iced it a couple of times and took some Aleve.

I decided to try the elliptical tonight (since my knee injuries are usually impact injuries).

The elliptical EXHAUSTS me. And it always looks like you aren't even moving on the elliptical, no matter how hard you are working. I set it to the crazy hill workout and threw in an 8 for resistance. 40 minutes and I was so tired!

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