Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm a Sad Athlete

Bill and I have finally gotten the wii we were looking for since before Christmas. It is so much fun! My favorite game is boxing, although I must say, I don't have a lot of strategy, I just punch a lot. For anyone who doesn't know...the wii is different from other video game systems because you use the controller in a very intuitive way. Like, if you are playing tennis, you swing it like a tennis racket. If you are boxing, you use controllers in two hands and punch and guard (or in my case, you just punch). I was laughing as I was playing tennis and told Bill that some sad people on the wii site say that the game has changed their lives and they've lost all sorts of weight and things like that. I was thinking what a sad state our country must be in if that's the case. Although I did break a pretty big sweat during the boxing.

Anyway, I woke up this morning and my back and arms were KILLING me. I am so sore. I guess my weight training hasn't been helping as much as I thought. Maybe I should just ditch my free weights in favor of the wii. It would definitely be more fun. (I am just kidding of course). All of this makes me feel like a pretty weak athlete. But then again, I was punching pretty hard. Bill said he thought I was going to go through the tv at one point.

And unrelated wii injuries from this weekend...
I keep getting these HORRIBLE CRIPPLING charleyhorses. They are only in my left calf but they really really hurt. Lack of potassium? That's what I've always heard. I try to make sure I eat a banana every morning with my breakfast, but I haven't had one for the past 5 days or so. I will make sure to eat two of them this morning because charleyhorses suck!

1 comment:

Judi said...

WII!!!! :) I kick butt at the bowling.