Tuesday, March 11, 2008


You would think that in one of the biggest cities in the world, that there would be no way that you would run into anyone that you know, unless you had made plans.

I was walking into work today when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Jill, who was one of my teammates on Team CdLS in the Chicago Marathon. She is only here for 2 days and we ran into each other! I think it also confused her because when I ran Chicago everyone knew I was from Cincinnati. I just thought that was totally random!

Tonight I have a SRR of 20-30 minutes. Now usually, since this is only a 20 minute run AND I'm running with Bill, who unintentionally makes me pick up the pace, I end up running this faster than most of my other runs. Usually I clock about a 9 minute mile. But tonight I am going to really concentrate on keeping it in the 10:30 pace area.

I read this article in this month's issue of Runner's World that said that a common mistake that runners make is running too fast on their SRRs. It said that by doing that, you are actually fatiguing your body. Your body needs the rest of the recovery runs, so you should take them at a recovery pace. I think it is going to be difficult to do this. I have a very hard time varying my pace. It's easier for me to go faster than it is for me to go slower, so we'll see. I'm going to map out an exact route that goes with my slower pace so that I can stick to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like using the treadmill for recovery runs (the ONLY thing I like the treadmill for). It forces me to stick to the slower pace and isn't so bad, because for some reason I naturally run slower on the treadmill.

I thought your idea of doing Yasso 800s on the treadmill was great, but when I attempted, I almost flew off the back. :-)