Monday, March 17, 2008

Ergh. Aches.

I am sooooo achy from my run yesterday. It is crazy, but my back and arms hurt the most.
I feel like I did a weight lifting routine.

I knew that I was going to be in trouble when around mile 12 I felt my arms. I know that sounds weird, but I don't really notice my arms when I'm running. I mean, I know they go back and forth the whole time, but I don't really FEEL them or pay attention to them. Sometimes though, when I get up into the double digits on my mileage my arm will move a little right or left (instead of just straight back and forth) and THAT'S when it hits me. It's like I'm suddenly aware of pain, as if my arm was asleep and I get that pins and needles feeling...but it's not pins and needley.

My legs do this too, but I have heard other people talk about that, so I guess it is at least a little more common.

Like yesterday when I was heading across town. In the park, there aren't any stoplights, but on my long blocks home I get stopped at every crosswalk. It wouldn't normally be a big deal, but if I am feeling good on a long run and then I STOP I suddenly am aware (in my body) that I've just run 15+ miles.

It's like "I feel great! I could do another 10 miles!" and then when you stop you realize that you can't walk without looking like, well, you can't walk. I remember this from my first super long run with the Roncker team. NO ONE looked like they could walk after one of the practices...then after 15 minutes of stretching we all walked out of there like nothing happened.

I think it all looks kind of scary. Which is why I told Bill and my parents right after my first marathon "I'm going to get up, and it's going to look like I can't walk. But really I'm fine. It's just you get like this after 26.2 miles." They all laughed and looked at me like I was crazy and then said something to that effect, like 'No kidding. You just ran 26.2 miles.'

Anyway, I look like a tool at work today, because I am having trouble doing simple things with my arms, like pinning up work on a board. :)


Anonymous said...

When I've pushed myself to new distances or speeds, it's my thighs that get sore. I'm a sight when trying to walk down stairs! I did a half marathon Sunday and have been having trouble with stairs ever since. It was me that posted last week about doing the half but needing to add on 3 more to get my 16 in this weekend. Well, I took your advice and forgot the additional 3. I really pushed my pace during the half, plus we were running in 15-20 mph winds. I figure that made up for the extra 3! Besides, I would have looked like some freakish super hero running down the road with a medal around my neck and a "foil" cape flying behind me! =)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your half!