Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stripping Down in the Gym

Last night, Bill and I headed downstairs to do our Yasso 800s on the treadmill. I should have never said I was looking forward to them, because I think I jinxed them.

Immediately after the first one I was sweating buckets (this is not like me. I hardly ever sweat. On Y800s it usually takes me until the 3rd one to break a sweat). I was out of breath, tired, and my right hamstring was straining a little. I looked over at Bill and told him all these things. You see, when I looked at my running schedule I was wrong, I actually had a rest night last night and a Y800s night tonight. But I figured I should run since I had skipped the night before. So I figured that if I went down to the gym and the treadmills were full, I would do my workout Thursday. So, after my first Yasso I was about to throw in the towel and just do the workout Thursday. But all Bill said was "Yeah, it's hot in here." So I figured, if he was going to finish them, then I had to as well.

It was so hot and the minutes were CRAWLING by. I tucked my shirt into my sports bra...poor Bill had on long pants! The second one was hell, and I wasn't even halfway through.

I stripped down again, shoving my shirt in the cupholder. I didn't care. It was too hot in there. The back of my hair was soaking wet.

The last 4 for excruciating. On my breaks in between I had to go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. I started thinking "Maybe this pace IS too fast for me." I guess we'll see next week when I have 7 Yassos. I hope it was just a bad night.

I'm sure Bill and I made the elevator reek on the way back up.

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