Wednesday, September 12, 2007


It has been a long time since I have had a really bad run. Last night was terrible.
We had a negative split run starting from CrossRoads. It was a pretty simple route: Right on Madison, Left on Observatory for thirty minutes and then turn back.

I started out okay. But then my calves started to really tighten up. Especially the left one. I would stretch at the stop lights, which usually helps. This time it didn't. So I had to break off from my group to stop a little while later and stretch some more. It was like the muscles were not even pliable. They were just like rocks. It even hurt to stretch. I walked the rest of the way, to the top of Observatory and then turned around at 30 minutes to run back. The run back wasn't bad, but I think that is because it was all downhill. I felt like such a loser.

When I had hit Cincinnati Natural Foods my bandages from my thighs also came off, which kind of sucked. I didn't know if I should keep running or not. But I figured that my scabs (sorry, this is gross) were going to come off whether I was walking or running, so I might as well run.

I guess this was okay too. Because after reading about how to treat my chafing wounds online, I found out I was doing it a really bad, old-school first aid way (which was to let them air out, dry up and scab over). What you are supposed to do is keep the wound moist and covered and try not to let it scab over. Well, now my scabs were gone, and I could treat my wounds properly. (Come on, you know by now that you shouldn't be eating while you read my blog).

I was very perplexed about my calves. When I talked to my physical therapist this morning though, she said it just happens sometimes with people who run a lot. She said to make sure that I am properly hydrated (this might have been an issue...I had some salty pizza for lunch) and that I was stretching enough (which I thought I did).
They were still kind of tight at the physical therapy session, so I will have to be sure to stretch them out tonight.

Next up? I get to worry about my big 20-miler on Saturday!


Amber said...

Hey Running girl!

I had the EXACT same thing happen to me Sunday when I ran. I think I know what causes my calves to "knot" up like that and not "let go." I find that #1 I HAVE to be really hydrated when I run. #2 If it is the afternoon/evening and I want to run, I have to walk for at least 10 minutes to get stretched out. I run painfully for 4 miles on Sunday, stopped and walked for about 20 minute through Sawyer's Point and was able to run another 4 miles pain free. I am definetly not an afternoon runner. I do so much better in the morning. Good Luck!

PS I love the chafing/scab details. It makes me feel more normal when I hear about other's issues!

Unknown said...

Thank goodness. I was starting to think that I was being gratuitously disgusting.

Anonymous said...

If the run was on saturday or sunday then I can understand. I had one of the worst runs ever. I set out to run a 20 mile run. I plan on run walking some of it but it is usually not until 13 or 14 miles. I had to start that at 2 miles. You want to talk about a long day on your feet. I spent an extra 40 minutes out there. I guess we all just persevere.

As some might say, keep on waddling.


Anonymous said...

Hi Runner girl.

First let me say how much I have enjoyed your blog. I've been reading since you started and I too am doing Chicago.

This may be a little late for your chafing issue but I had a similar problem when I ran Disney in January. I had never had problems before then but I chafed in places you wouldn't have thought possible. I went out and got some Destin, figured what could it hurt. Well it was great, cleared everything up in about 2 days!!! Keep that in mind if you have that problem again.

Good luck in Chicago!