Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New List

I think I need to create a new list: Things I Know I CAN'T Eat Before Runs.

I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the heat. Last night we started at CrossRoads and ran our two usual miles to the Norwood track for Yasso 800s. The sun was just BEATING down. It reminded me of some of the scenes in Apocalypse Now. It was gross. Not to mention that it was 95 degrees out even though it was 6:30. I wasn't too worried because I know that the last time we did Yasso 800s it was also very hot.

Ugh. Wrong. It was awful. My stomach was not happy, and it was really impeding my performance. I started blaming my lunch (which was very good at the time). The culprit: Ranch dressing.Again. To be fair, I didn't know it would affect me if it was just the dressing on my sandwich. Last time I thought it was the entire salad that did it. Plus, this time I had about 5 and a half hours in between when I ate and when I ran.

Anyway, we got to the second repeat and my stomach contents started jumping up my throat. The third was worse. Plus, I felt like I really wanted to burp, but couldn't. It was awful.

This time my group was doing 6 repeats. This was not boding well for me.

It was sooooooo HOT.
I decided to take my shirt off and run in my sports bra and skirt. I usually don't do this because I am so self-conscious about my pooch. Yeah. I was too hot to care. And it DID make a huge difference.

By the end, things were getting a little better. At least I was able to pace really well. I can really feel what my pace should be now, and when I am off of it. I think that is great. I guess it just takes practice.

Apparantly the last repeat we decided to pick it up. I wasn't aware of this because of course, I had my headphones on. I kept thinking 'this seems awfully fast'. Then we passed our starting point and one of the guys shouted out "4:47!" OK. I didn't feel so bad. I was doing the rest of them at 5 minutes. :)

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