Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Eternal Question: OnBoard Nutrition

So. Lately I have been experimenting.

This is all because of a conversation I had with my marathon sub-group. We were trying to determine what was better: Gu or Shot Bloks. I was really touting the Shot Bloks. It seemed easy to me:

1. They taste like candy.
2. They are SOLID not you don't have to GAG them down.
3. They are the same kind of energy as all of the gels.


I must admit that I actually did not have any experience with gels at all. I bought one a long time ago when I was training for the Pig. It was vanilla and it sat in the bottom of my running gear drawer for several months. I just could not come to grips with something so, well, gooey, going down my throat.

Lindsey had to question me on number three. She said that she didn't think anything could compare to gels because they just give you so much energy. Sarah agreed. She said her legs just kept going and going after she took one and she didn't know how.

Well, maybe I would have to try one. Especially since the Shot Bloks were giving me a bit of an acid reflux problem lately. So, 10 miles into my 16 miler a couple of weeks ago I grabbed a Clif Shot. It was apple pie. Well, it was supposed to be apple pie.

After taking 20 years to open it, I downed about half of it. Gagged. Gagged badly. It was sooooo gross. I couldn't even take the second half. I am one of those people who need the consistency to match the flavor and this wasn't doing it for me.

I DID however feel it kick in. Nothing as extreme as Sarah experienced, but I did have more energy.

So for my 18 miler I pulled the good old vanilla Gu out of the drawer. I was a little worried, because I was holding it as I ran my first ten miles. It was getting really warm. At our 5 mile water stop I stared at it for a really long time. Then I downed it. Gagged. Downed the rest. Proclaimed "hey, that one wasn't so bad!" Which made Lindsey laugh. "That wasn't so bad even though it made you gag?" Well, it wasn't as bad as the apple pie. At least it tasted like vanilla pudding which is kind of its consistency.

And I don't know. Maybe it really really worked. I had an awesome run and I DID feel like I had a ton of energy.

I don't know.

So what do you think: Gels or Bloks? (or gummy bears or jelly beans or Sports Beans?) Or anything else? How do you get your onboard nutrition?


Lauren @ mostly i run said...

I prefer gels -- I stick with vanilla or chocolate, though. I worry that the other flavors might not go down as easily, but these two are like eating frosting (mmm!). For an extra kick, the chocolate has caffeine!

I also use Sharkies for extra long runs -- they are kind of like Shot Bloks but I like them better!

Anonymous said...

GU. I think the shot blocks taste a lot better but they just don't give the same kick. Plus you have to eat three instead of just gagging down one. Next time don't hold it. Try to tuck it into a pocket so it doesn't melt as much. Then it isn't as gross. But just suck it down with some water, and keep going. The chocolate is pretty good too. And GU is the only brand I can eat. Pass on all the others.

Unknown said...

I agree...out of the ones I've tried so far I think GU is the best! I tried a vanilla HammerGel and it was NOT as good as the vanilla GU.

Anonymous said...

I find that the powergels that taste like strawberry-banana or Rasberry are the best. The beans seem to make me really thirsty. I have never had the shots so I cannot talk about those.


Anonymous said...

There's no universal answer to this, as everyone reacts differently to GUs/Blocks/Beans etc. That's why these long runs are important, not only to get you physically ready for the mileage, but also to give you a chance to experiment, find out what YOU and your body like best.

GU/gel may be too concentrated for someone to take in all at once, so Blocks/Beans may work better. You can space out your Block intake (not all 3 at once). This way you may not feel the significant "boost" in energy, but you likely won't hit the lows as much.

nothingeverything said...

GU espresso love!!!! Its like standing in front of the Pantheon in Rome listening to the water fountain trickle, sipping out of a porcelain cup, with slight scent of a cigar lingering while music plays some words I don't understand Well at mile 12 its as close as I'll get.

Vanilla is also pretty good.

run to live said...

I used e-gel from crank sports...they tastes much better than powergel or gu or hammers....and they are not so dry ....can take without water...unfortunately, it is not avail in my country...maybe u can try

Anonymous said...

I swear by blocks. I also gag on the gels, and it's just not something I'll ever get over.

Casey said...

OMG. I totally blogged about the ClifShot Apple Pie this summer. It was horrendous.

I was really into the Shot Blocks. I loved the cran-raz flavor. And then I decided to try to orange. Do not do the orange. So that kind of burnt me out.

I love the convenience of gels. Powerbar's gels are usually what I get because they are easy to remember to grab while grocery shopping. I liked one brand card Carb Bomb or something like that...I bought it at The Running Spot. Very natural and fruity. I've learned to stay far far away from any chocolate flavors because the consistency is way too thick.