Monday, September 10, 2007

What I Did For Love


I know. I am an idiot, merely because this has happened to me before and I should know better by now. And I DID put Body Glide on. Not between my thighs though, because I was wearing bike shorts. (I have really only had problems when I wear the shorts that swish between my legs). Well, I hope I learned my lesson this time. If I didn’t there is something wrong with me.

Saturday we had a 12 mile run. Madison, Observatory, Linwood, Delta (MOLD…that’s how I remembered it) Eastern and then picking up the Pig Course all the way back to the store. I felt burning the entire time I was running, but really, I thought it was just the scabs rubbing against each other from last time. Plus, when I checked at the water stop, my thighs looked fine.

I finished my run (pretty painfully), went upstairs at the Spot, stretched, looked at my legs…GROSSSSSSSS!!!! Blood was running down my legs and I had these huge, raised gashes on both sides. Not cool. I actually for real screamed in the shower, and I was NOT being a drama queen. It really hurt that badly. And I have a high tolerance for pain.

They look a lot better now, but are still pretty gross. They have that gross scabbiness on them, where the scabs start to change colors. It hurts to wear jeans but it is even WORSE wearing a skirt. I am using a LOT of Neosporin.

Oh. And I think I know WHY I have to use BodyGlide there now. My thighs have never really had the girth that they have now. So I’ve never had a problem with them rubbing up against each other when I run. At least that is what I am telling myself so that I can feel good about something (muscle gain) instead of focusing on my awful pain and gross inner thighs.

I do some pretty idiotic things to my body as a marathon runner.

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