Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cool New Toy

This weekend my husband and I went out in search for a bathroom scale. (You know that you are old when you refer to a scale as a “cool new toy”. ) ANYWAY this scale really is cool. It measures your body fat percentage and your hydration level along with your weight. Now, I am very skeptical when it comes to things like this. Especially since almost all of those BMI calculators online warn you that if you are highly athletic the numbers may not apply to you. But after I read how this thing works, I felt better. Basically, it sends an electric impulse through your heel (yes, it shocks you…that is why it works better if your feet are ‘slightly damp’) to take a reading of your bone versus muscle mass. You have to program in your height, age, sex and whether or not you are an athlete. They define athlete as someone who works out 6-10 hours a week at at least 2 hour intervals. Check. I think marathon training qualifies as an ‘athlete’ then. The instructions tell you to take a reading daily at around the same time and record it for a month to get your averages. Already just HAVING the scale has made me drink more water. So that is a good thing. And totally worth the $35!

I couldn’t find the link for the exact one that we got. But this is pretty close. Anyway, they have them at Target if anyone is interested.

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