Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Injury Clinic

So, I booked a spot in the injury clinic, hoping that I will be able to get some answers about my injury. I hope I can still run. Last night I hit the gym for an elliptical workout, which I figured was okay since there is no impact on the elliptical (and that is what is aggravating my injury). It was sooooooo boring. I don't understand how people can work out on treadmills (and ellipticals) every night. And there are even TVs in the gym! I just can't do it. I think I need to be actually MOVING as I run. Plus, it is super annoying that my intensity level was so much more than when I run, but it took me 35 minutes to do 3 miles. Grrr.

Last night after the gym Bill and I drove down to our local high school to see if they have a track. They do! And it is open to residents of the neighborhood. Hurrah! I am just keeping all options open. Like, maybe I can do track for awhile but not road work. Or something. I don't know.

So I am trying not to be a Debbie Downer about the whole thing.


Runner Leana said...

Have you been to the injury clinic? I hope everything is OK.

Unknown said...

I have. It was my IT band because 1. my knees turn inward which apparantly puts extra stress on my IT band every time I run and 2. I am really really bad at stretching. Whoops. At least I am not out for the season!

Runner Leana said...

That's good to hear that you aren't out for the season. Good luck getting your IT sorted out!

Casey said...

I hate hate hate the cardio machines at the gym. It sucks. It's really only good for keeping you going when you have an injury (IT band here) but that's about it.