Monday, August 13, 2007

Memory Run

First of all, I have to apologize for being so lax with my blog. This past week has been hell at work, and the last thing I want to do when I get home is turn on a computer :)

Allright, anyway, this weekend was a long run starting from the University of Cincinnati. We started at the new rec center which was so funny, because the last time I was at UC, this was a parking lot. Even though the campus has changed so much, I was flooded with memories as soon as we began our run. We ran through the stadium, where I had run up and down all of the steps (this kind of workout is called something, but I forget what) for rowing practice. We ran by my old dorm which everyone thought was crappy at the time, but now with all the new dorms it REALLY is crappy. We ran by Edwards, where my now husband worked. The park where I saw my first dead body. OK. Ha ha. That of course, wasn't a good memory. But anyway. Running all around in Clifton was fun and made me think happy thoughts (minus the dead body). It kind of reminded me of this article I read in this month's Runner's World about a guy who ran his own New York Marathon through all the neighborhoods where he used to live. It made me realize that these good memories keep us going. And the cool thing is, that as I run, I am also creating memories. Like, I can't run that little stretch from East McMillan to Madison without thinking of rounding the corner at the Flying Pig Marathon, feeling great, and seeing the half-marathoners break off. I was definitely experiencing a runner's high at that point. And I can't run in Eden Park without thinking of one of my great runs at the beginning of my Flying Pig Training. These things are what keep me going as I run.

A little funny aside: I also had another memory as I was running that turned out to be not so good. The running team was supposed to be able to get $5 brunch buffet after our run on Saturday. I slipped $10 and my parking ticket in my running shorts before we left for our workout. I used to do this all the time when I lived in Brooklyn and would go for a run. On the way home I could stop at this great little Mexican place to pick up dinner. One time, I put a 20 in my pocket and I guess the back and forth of my running rubbed a hole in the pocket and the money fell out. Yep. Same thing happened. Its those stupid jersey shorts I was wearing instead of my technical gear because I was too lazy to do laundry this week. Whoops. No brunch. Just stupid cheerios at home. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, poor thing - you have the worst luck sometimes (and the best other times!) I'll pay for your brunch next time that happens - just call me,(collect if you have to, since you don't have your phone and have no $) ok?

I enjoy reading your blog - this one was an especially good one as it made me think of all the memories I have of you at UC.