Thursday, August 23, 2007


It is never a good thing when your coach's email to you is titled "Luck Runs Out". Yes, he was speaking of the weather, which I often do in my blog. It is supposed to be 91 degrees on Saturday with tons of humidity. It is also a 17 mile run for me. Yuck. I will start hydrating NOW.

I must say, I am getting used to running in this heat. But I do hate all of the sweat. It is really really gross.

Anyway, on a completely different subject...Sometimes I have to laugh at people when I am running with the group because I think we overwhelm onlookers. I mean, I guess it is kind of funny. You're walking out of Dewey's Pizza to your car on Oakley Square and ZAM a big rush of 100+ runners comes by. Or, you're on a little side street in your car, trying to turn right and ZOW an endless line of runners. Everyone always looks like they are just waiting for the camera crew from Candid Camera to come out from around the corner.

It was really crazy this one time when we were running in Oakley Square and I saw 4 people I knew! One was my swimteam coach from high school who I didn't even know still lived in Cincinnati. Another was my friend Carrie, who now lives in London. When I visited with her a few months ago I asked her if it was really her that I saw. She said it was, and she was totally taken aback, like 'where did all of these people come from?'

But the worst was last week when we were doing fartleks in International Friendship Park. We had to pass by everyone eating at Montgomery Inn. Everyone was staring at us as we passed by, and it was worse because we had to do two loops, so we passed them four times. But instead of feeling like I wanted to laugh, I just felt like I wanted their steak dinners. :)


Amber said...

So true about our running group and what we look like to others! It almost looks like a prison break or something! I like running by the Busken bakery on Madison....those donuts always smell so good! I am also running 17 tomorrow and hydrating today is a great idea. I definitely think that come October running in this hot weather will have paid off. Take it easy today, girl.

Unknown said...

I love running by Busken too! Which is funny, because just about every other smell turns my when we ran by Popeye's on Tuesday. Bleh.