Monday, January 14, 2008


Gross. I caught the flu and it has kept me from running. It makes me so mad too, because I was off to a great start.

See, usually (mostly because of injury) I only run 2-3x a week. I felt really awful about this, but Coach Joe said that some people find that this is all that they can run during training without getting injured. Whereas on the other hand, some people have to run 5x a week. They said it was basically for you to figure out.

So, since I have been injury free since physical therapy, I have decided to boost my training up to 3-4 runs a week. I was even telling Bill about this plan on my last run, and then BAM the flu hits me.

And of course I pushed myself this weekend, telling myself I was over it when I really wasn't on Saturday. I ran around doing chores and even went out that night. As a result I spent all day in bed yesterday, which, for a busy person like me, is TORTURE.

I just want to get back to my runs. I am hoping this is totally and completely out of my system by tomorrow so I can get back on schedule!

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