Thursday, January 17, 2008


I had a VERY frustrating run tonight. It was my "middle mileage" run for the week, so Bill and I planned on 5 miles in Riverside Park. This time we went uptown again since we figured that downtown was boring :)

It also started pouring down snow as soon as we started. It was actually very pretty.
Now, I had read that Riverside actually went up to 147th, but I was confused because it comes up to the street around 125th and then I can't see where the park actually goes. It looks like just highway. So Bill and I decided to run 25 minutes out and 25 back. (This would get us out past 125th and we could see for ourselves).

Anyway, I apparently didn't hear my watch go off and we wound up running about 8 minutes more than we were supposed to. I was mentally prepared for 5, NOT 6, so the way back seemed so long...especially since it was hilly (we had made it all the way up to 146th). My legs felt tired. My hair was soaked from the snow AND I could mark my slow progress by seeing the street signs at every block (132...131...130...). Then Bill mentions to me that we are off pace (as we're running into the wind) so we speed up. This is difficult anyway, since every time I run with him I feel like I am running way faster than I should and he jogs in place so I can catch up with him. Very demoralizing when you are already feeling tired and like you want the run to be over. :(

All and all it was just a very bad run which put me in a very bad mood and then I got to go home to our messy apartment which will never be unpacked. ARGHHHHHHH!

So tonight I am going to ice and try to ignore the mess :) so that I feel good for my long run this weekend. 9 miles. I can't believe I'm already at that point in my training!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss you Em! Was thinking about you this morning as our half marathon training group ran around Lunken...15 degrees with the wind chill :-)