I have very mixed feelings about the Heart Mini-Marathon. I personally felt like a failure...until I weighed in all of the circumstances of the race. Then I felt like I was glad that I finished. Let me back up.
It was a sunny, nice, warm day. Until I started running. Then I recognized it as an unbearably hot, humid, gross day with the sun incessantly beating down on me. Coach Joe says if you are comfortable temperature-wise at the starting line, then you are overdressed. Well, I agree, but how can you get much less than a tank and a running skirt? I was sooooo hot, the entire time. I stopped at every water stop (which I NEVER do) and actually WALKED with my water so that I could consume ALL of it. I also had to stop at a port-o-let. This is like death for me. I NEVER stop at a port-o-let anywhere unless there is absolutely no other option. There was no other option. I even had to wait in a line...in the middle of the race!
There were people on the sidelines cheering and one boy had a sign that said "5k down, 10k to go!" I was like "WHAT?! only 5k down?" It seemed so long. This may also be because I took the first mile out waaaay too fast. 9:20. I felt great at the time. Then I continually added time on.
I was sweating so much that I looked like I took a shower. Gross. And I don't usually sweat a lot.
But the most disappointing thing for me was that I had to walk. Right after the first turn-around which was about the 4th mile. I couldn't believe it. I try NEVER to walk, no matter how tired I am. Then I ran again. Then the next hill I walked. I felt so angry. Anyone from my group who saw me and would have normally said something to me was probably too afraid to do that. Every time I walked I know my face was screwed up into an awful grimace. I was so mad.
At the 8-mile the guy yelling out times yelled "Mile 8! Mile 9 is much better!" Really? Hurrah! I was almost done. LIAR, a huge hill was in front of me. I walked it, telling myself I would run at the top. I started running...another huge hill.
By now my time was totally screwed up. I was behind a guy with a shirt that said "if you can read this, you've just been passed by a speedwalker". Of course. So I picked up the pace as much as I could (which was laughable) and finished with him. They were playing "Celebrate" at the finish line and that's when I started to cry. I was so mad at myself.
1:45 something. (I can't find my official time on the site because apparantly I am not on there for some reason.)
I just have to learn how to run in the heat.
That was the HARDEST and HOTTEST race ever and I walked a lot more than I wanted to as well. At least we got through it! It makes me feel better to read that it wasn't just me!
Emily -
You gave it your best and maybe didn't do as well as you would have liked, but you stuck with it and finished. I'm impressed!
Hi, I am an ultramarathon runner, and am currently training for 50-Mile in Boalsburg PA (www.tusseymoutainback.com), and run 2+ - 4 hrs each day at 8:00 or less per mile. I have very much learned to like heat actually. Some tips I find are helpful is:
1)to run w/a soaking wet short shirt over your sports bra (that you will re-wet each time you get new water), 2)run w/your own water bottles, but lite ones so you don't have to carry too much weight (SIP from them constantly), 3)use one water bottle to drink from, the other to pour on your body whenever you need to cool off, 4)practice running at least one day/week in extra clothing in the hot temperatures (like a lite jacket on 85 degree day). These are things that have greatly worked for me and I hope they help w/your training as well!
Don't be to hard on yourself. That was a tough course. All you're doing is going up and down hills with very little flat space. I felt defeated by the course by the end as well.
It was a great, and tough, lesson for the flying pig.
Did you ever find your results?
If not, here they are:
Emily Mason
bib number: 5448
age: 28
gender: F
location: Cincinnati, OH
overall place: 2386 out of 3049
division place: 192 out of 260
gender place: 976 out of 1448
time: 1:45:20
pace: 11:19
5k: 31:47
10k: 1:07:36
keep up the good work... hang in there
This is Pam from your Running Spot group (I'm the one who usually runs at the same pace as you for the long runs - but I suck at talking while I run.) I saw you at the mini-marathon, but it was at one of the numerous hills, and I was afraid that if I stopped to walk with you that I would never be able to start again. That was a horrible race! you did great, and don't worry about it. As Joe said, we'll practically be done with the marathon by the time the mini-marathon started. You're doing great! :)
Just remember, that was the best race your body could run THAT day. There are other days, other races.
I walked up the hills too! It was hot!
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