Saturday, March 10, 2007

Does Skating = Running?

Last night my friends and I went out to celebrate what my one friend Susie called, me "turning double fourteen". We decided to go to the Western Rollarama and a couple of bars. The best part was that my friend, Anne gave me a tiara and a scepter to skate around with the whole time and so all the little girls there kept wishing me happy birthday. I think the DJ (a motherly type) thought it was a little weird to see a bunch of old people skating. But she didn't yell at me to take off my tiara even though all night she had to keep screaming to people to take off their hats. Now, it might seem funny that skating could be a workout, but I am counting it as one because after I made the first round my shins were screaming at me. I am actually surprised that I am not sore today. We all had a good time, but the worst surprise is that I can't do my 13-14 mile run today. No, not because I partied too hard, but because I am sitting here at work starting a massive project that is due on Tuesday. Fun. I am going to try and get the run in tomorrow, but it will be hard to get motivated without the group with me. :(


Arcane said...

Sure you can consider it a run. As long as you're using your muscles. I'm surprised you're not sore though cause it uses different muscles which I would think would lead to DOMS. Good luck with the work thing and the long run.

The Design Professor, Tobias Brauer said...

Hi Runnergrrrl,

Nice site. I am almost in exactly the same scenario as you. I am also training for my first marathon, and I am blogging about it and I am a graphic designer! Pretty weird, huh? Anyway, keep up the good work!


J_CNote said...

Hey i noticed on the flying pig marathon site you're keeping this blog for your training. i dont know if you use an online running log or not but you should check out It's a very user friendly running log that ive help build with a friend. there are a lot of nice people on there that will help you out with any questions or comments about running. my user name on there is 'Claunchianity' if you have any questions or concerns. Have a nice day...


damguy said...

Hi runnergrrl, nice posts here. Usually I can't remember what I think of when I run; not enough oxygen to the brain kind of thing. Thanks for sharing...See you at the Heart Mini??

Anonymous said...

Emily! I didn't know you had a blog! Now I will be stalking you online when bored at work!

Alice (from running group ;)