Friday, March 23, 2007

Longest Race Ever

Last night was an easy 40 minutes. I have come to the conclusion that I have long-distance running in me now. Short runs are not my thing anymore. It seems like it takes me about 4 miles to get in the rhythm of things and those first 4 miles are really hard for me. After that, I sort of fall into the run. It is nice. But it is weird to do these 4 mile runs when it takes me 4 miles to get warmed up.

Anyway, this weekend is the Heart Mini-Marathon 15k. I am excited because this will be my longest race ever. The course looks pretty tough. We have run just a smidgeon of it before, along Columbia Parkway. The coaches described it as having 3 big hills, the last one being at the end.

What I am looking forward to the most is IHOP. After every race, my mom, dad, husband and I go to IHOP and I get one of those ridiculous breakfasts with pancakes, eggs (which go to my husband for his hashbrowns), sausage, bacon and hashbrowns. Yum. Not fun to think about during the race, but great afterwards. (As you can probably tell, I am not one of the most healthy runners).


Anonymous said...

Hey, This is Emily, Bill says you are cranky about the Ronker's shirt for marathoner's not being as cool as the half marathoner shirt.

I think they are the same. Purple-y pink coolmax. And for the first timers a short sleeve as well.

I have not seen the short sleeve, but I am going to pick mine up tonight. If you are a first timer, you should one up as well.

Happy running,

your friendly neighborhood running slacker down to 5Ks from marathons... and it feels delightful :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, that is the cute one: purpley pink. Ours is dark purple with yellow writing. All of the full-marathoners are jealous.