Friday, March 30, 2007

Plan B

So when I woke up this morning to toss around, I realized as I moved my knee that there was a LOT of pain. However, I just chalked this up to morning pains, got dressed, got in my car and drove to CrossRoads to run my 17. I stretched a little by my car and headed out to the front entrance. No go. I was doing this little limp/hobble kind of run and I had these pains shooting in my knee. I was so angry with myself. I pulled my mobile out of my pocket and called my husband Bill. I explained everything and said "so I guess I shouldn't run my 17 today?" I don't know why I need confirmation on these things. I mean that is the whole reason I called him. I needed someone else to say "yes, you are making a good decision". I was bummed. So I drove on over to our Y and did the elliptical for 45 minutes. You should have seen me getting in and out of the car. I have to lift up under my knee and actually move my leg.

So plan B?
Good old RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), with lots and lots of emphasis on ice. Something I should have been doing since the Mini-Marathon on Sunday. AND there's more hope. Our coaches mentioned that we could do a two or three week taper. Of course I opted for the three week taper. I think by default I will do the two week taper. That always worked for me in swimming...three weeks would have been way too long. That means next weekend will be my 17-18, pushing my 19-20 out two weeks, followed by two weeks of low mileage. My sports history has told me that yes, I do injure easily and quickly, but if I take care of it I also recover quickly.

I am also going to TRY and take it easy. I am also going to TRY and not beat myself up over this so that I can heal properly and be ready to go next weekend. As Bill reminded me on the phone, my goal is to be healthy at the starting line so that I can actually run the race.

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