Monday, March 26, 2007

A Few of my Favorite Running Things (A Top Ten List)

These are just some things I absolutely love when I am running. So I will list them in David-Letterman-order.

10. Breath mints (for afterwards...yuck!)
9. Cran-razz Shot Bloks
8. My Nike Watch with 100 lap memory
7. Body Glide (no more chafing!)
6. Non-cotton socks (the secret to no blisters)
5. My new running skirt
4. Pump It by the Black-Eyed Peas
3. Gatorade (lemon-lime, please)
2. Verbal support
1. My ipod shuffle

I also found a very cool Euro to put on my car! It says "runner girl" on it, so I just had to get it!

What are your favorite running things?


sallen said...

My favs:
10-feeling good for my age-I'm 51

sallen said...

I like the way it makes me feel and of course my ipod.

Josh said...

I just saw your blog on the Flying Pig website. I think it's awesome that you are running you first marathon at the Pig! It was my first last year and it was a great experience. For me it was the beginning of what has become a crazy obsession with running. I am sure you will do awesome. Don't worry about the Heart Mini. I was running a marathon in Dayton on Sunday and that heat was a big change. We have been training in the cold for so long. It was quite a shock to the system! You will get used to it, and it won’t be a problem at all. I look forward to following your training and hearing about your race!

Unknown said...

most definitely my two favorite running things are my iPod Shuffle and my Asics running shoes from the Running Spot.

Anonymous said...

10. Goody "Stay-Put" rubber bands, no more slipping ponytail!

9. The 26.2 sticker on my car

8. My Asics shoes

7. Balaga socks

6. New Balance Saba Shorts, they have a knit liner, so comfy, and they look cute too!

5. Knowing that few people can do what I have done

4. My new stealthy sunglasses, a gift from my best friend

3. My cheap running watch. I wear it all the time as a badge of honor. Though I kind of would like to see yours...

2. My ipod!!!

1. When I run it is the only time I am truly alone, and it is quiet. It is just my time. I am at peace.