Thursday, March 22, 2007

Gross! Gross! Gross!

If you are easily grossed out, do NOT read this next post.

So I've been having toenail issues, which I guess is a common thing for marathoners. Last weekend, I noticed that my big toenails on both feet had these splits in them. Not at the top, where it would be convenient, but in the middle...on both sides. I was just waiting for it to crack completely off. I put bandaids around both of my big toes before my long run on Saturday, if nothing else, to keep them on for the run. After about 11 miles I noticed this swooshy feeling right around my big toe on my left foot. This was accompanied by a lot of pain in the big toe. Just great!

I stopped at the Gatorade stop with about 2 miles to go and proclaimed to one of my coaches "I think I lost my big toenail." She said "It'll happen." Then she told me how shes lost a lot of them and how her toenails are just starting to look normal again after two years. Automatically I think "No more cute open-toed heels?!" I CANNOT do that. I do not mean to sound shallow or overly girly, but I LOVE wearing high-heeled sandles, and getting pedicures all summer. I think I went through all of high school without a day of unpolished toenails.

When I got home, I dreaded taking off my socks. I gingerly pulled away the bandaids. They were fine. It was my bandaid wooshing around in my shoe. False alarm.

All I know is that I am not going down without a fight! I went out and got a toenail clipper and something called miracle nail and gave myself a very careful pedicure. So far so good! I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed!


Arcane said...

I've basically given up on wearing sandles during the summer. I always seem to have a black toenail or some other weird thing on my foot.

Anonymous said...

Amazing the things we endure for our goals! I just completed the Shamrock 1/2 marathon in Virginia Beach! It is fast and flat! My next one is the Flying Pig 1/2 marathon! I need some hill training, I know!

Your blog is just great! I can tell that you will reach your goal! Remember the Penguin's advice that your first goal is to get to the starting line!

Have a great day in May!

Anonymous said...

i display my toenails now with a sense of pride...