Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It's a Miracle!

I FINALLY found a food that works for me, pre-run! I have had this horrible problem with not being able to eat anything before my runs. That was my whole theory "don't eat anything before you run" before I started adding on mileage. I mean, it just isn't safe not to eat anything before you do 9, 10, 11 plus miles. In fact, I found out that you are actually supposed to eat WHILE you are marathoning...hence all of the Gu, Shot Bloks, etc. (I think I talked about these in a previous post). Anyway, I've tried everything; cereal, toast, toaster strudel, luna bars, pop tarts, even cookies. And the trial and error method is NOT fun. Well, last week when I was running on Wednesday from home I was soooooo hungry. My goal was to get in the house, let the dog out and go out the door. I KNEW I shouldn't eat anything given my history, but I was sooooo hungry. I cut off a huge slice of the birthday cake my grandma made me. It is this really fluffy pound-cake type cake. I shoved the whole thing in my mouth and was out the door.
It was fine. What? It was fine through the WHOLE RUN.

So I tried it again at 6:30 am on Saturday, pre-15-mile run. Once again, it was fine.

My mom says it is because it has like six eggs in it.

Not the healthiest, but it definately works for me!


Amber said...

Hey Runnergrrl!

Sorry the Tuesdsay run was not your favorite...they say you have good runs and bad runs. Just chalk it up that you did it and that is what matters. I am in Marietta, OH this week but will be back in town for the next two weeks. I am really looking forward to the Tuesday night thing I eat before I run on Tuesday is a PayDay candy bar. I HAVE to have something. I am one of these people who eat several small meals a day and I can't go from 5ish to 8ish with nothing. The PayDay bar has caramel which is a quick energy source, and the peanuts hold me over until dinner. I am the same way with trying to find things to eat before I run. Now Saturday morning I eat a quaker granola bar before my run and sip smoe water. I always have my jelly beans with me for the double digits one. I have never had a stomach issue with the granola bar. It is enough to get me going but not too much to put my stomach in "stressed" mode. I am not running the mini marathon this weekend but will be at the booth for the Running Spot. I will cheer you on though!

Anonymous said...

If the birthday cake worked, try the Marble Loaf from Starbucks. Its probably too late to mix it up, but maybe test it on a short 3 miler?

I swear by a piece of whole wheat toast (dry) and a quarter of a banana before the long runs. Spartan, but no troubles. Or a little bit of a bagel, or a few crackers if its a short one, but that is pushing it. I cannot eat before I run! Pukesville.