Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I am a tool

I am a tool for many reasons. The first being that our easy 7 mile run seemed worse to me than our 15 mile run. I felt so thirsty the entire time, I kept looking for Coach Joe's truck with Gatorade on it that usually meets us halfway. I also felt like I was sprinting the entire time (which I was not, according to my time). I said something to the woman behind me at the end of the run, like "wow. that was worse than the 15-miler." She looked at me like I was crazy.

I can attribute this (bad 7 miler) to maybe a few things.
1. I am super stressed at work which makes me tired at the end of the day.
2. I was running with some people that I don't usually run with who are faster than I usually run.
3. My body is still fatigued from the 15 miler.

Or all three.

Anyway. The second reason I am a tool is because I showed up at our running happy hour and only stayed for one drink. I was so exhausted and needed real food. I think what I really need is rest. I think tonight, which is supposed to be a "cross training or rest" night will be a rest night for me, even though it usually isn't. Hopefully, that will get me back on track!

Side note: there are a great bunch of articles in this week's Newsweek that talk about the benefits of working out consistently. One more reason to keep marathon training!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your blog, and I know the feeling of short runs feeling worse than long runs. I am a college student at DePaul University in Chicago, and I took up distance running last year. I have completed 3 marathons, and the worst race I ever ran was a 10k at the Detroit Zoo (which is where I am originally from). You seem to be doing well with your training! Rock on! I am training for the Pig too, well, at least I was until snapping my fibula three times on the first of February. I am hoping to build up enough in the next few months to get out and just complete the race, but only time will tell. I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that you are amazing just for tackling a marathon! Enjoy every minute of it, and do not dwell on time. I met a lady last year while running the Pig who apparently had pulled a muscle or something of the nature and was struggling around mile 18...she was miserable and just kept telling me how she wasn't going to reach her time goal. All of the training isn't worth wasting on race day, enjoy the race, breathe it in, and be proud that you made it there! Keep rockin it!

Would love to chat sometime.