Monday, May 21, 2007

Motivation Drain

It is SOOOOOO difficult for me to run. I get up in the morning on the weekends, go back to sleep, and promise to run in the evening. After walking around all day, I get back and vow to run on Sunday. On Sunday, even when fully dressed in my running clothes, I still contemplate going back to bed. What is going on with me?!

I remember sometimes it was 6am on a Saturday in January, eighteen degrees out and snowing horizontally and I just got dressed and jumped into my car, sometimes even bearing incredibly slick, not cleared off roads to go run in the middle of the street because that was the only non-slippery path. (I didn't mean to sound like "I used to walk 2 miles to school...")

My runs aren't even all that satisfying. I find myself looking at my watch every 2 minutes or so, thinking 'it isn't time to turn around yet?'

I don't know what the deal is. Maybe since my next goal is a 4.1 mile race it just seems less satisfying. I think my goal though, should be to build up my speed again. Get back to that 8:45 minute mile pace I had in the last 5k I did (as opposed to my 11 minute mile marathon training pace). I just find it really hard to work towards that goal. I need to kick it back in mentally.

I did find out that the hotel I am moving to this week has a gym though. So that's good!

Tonight I DRAGGGGGGG myself out after I get home to do another 3 miler.


Anonymous said...

I Feel for you. It is the dreaded marathon depression. It has only been two weeks. Just try to get in a few runs a week and hopefully this will pass. I took off almost a month before I did any running. I don't recommend that but I just did not feel like running.

Good luck.

Unknown said...

Ok, I am glad to hear that. I thought that maybe there was something wrong with me and I would never want to run again, which would make me sad!

Anonymous said...

I only did the 10k in Cincinnati and feel let down that it's all over. It was a great weekend! It's hard to stay motivated when I'm not sure what's next. Thanks for keeping up the blog! You are helping me stay with it. I really enjoy your posts. Oh, and I total agree with a previous post - you are a runner because you get out there and do it! There is no "qualifying time" to be a runner. =)

Anonymous said...

Yes it does happen. What I do is that I make it an adventure. Its actually how I got to Cincinnati and its hills. I am from Miami so hills are not in my running. We have a one mile bridge and I bounced back and forth for ten miles at a time. It sounds crazy but it was something that was a challenge and an adventure. It works. Running in the rain, in the city, in a park, on a bridge, turning right instead of left. You know you can run but can you run like this or that. It makes it less about running and more about what I can do!!!! Just be reasonably safe.