Monday, May 7, 2007

Ow Ow Ow!

I look ridiculous today...
Even though I took today off, I trudged downtown anyway to meet my husband for lunch (it was worth it :) but, it was kind of funny when he had to literally PULL me out of the booth. No, I cannot walk. But it was still totally worth it. And between the ice, the Aleve, and my wiccy magic muscles bar I am going to try out in a few minutes, I think I will be okay.

Also, my toenails did NOT fall off ALL SEASON!!!! Hurrah! I really really think that clipping them super short and painting them is what saved them...a good tip I will have to remember as long as I run. However, they are a gross brownish yellow color. At first I thought that this was from the nail polish I had been using, or some sort of gross fungal infection, but the truth is, that I've had both of those and it looks nothing like that. Bill thinks that it is because my toes have been constantly banging against my shoes for an extended period of time. Anyone else ever get anything like this?

One more question...when I got finished yesterday, I had a ring of salt around my mouth. And all day my skin tasted extra salty. I realize that this was because I was sweating like crazy, but just wondering...does it mean I had too much salt before the race? too little? too much or not enough water? I will never figure out all of these weird things that happen to your body during a marathon!

As for my reward... well I went to Tiffany's today and have a lovely new pendant. And it seems that I am not the only one who rewarded myself for the marathon. Apparantly at least two other people visited Tiffany's today with the same idea. At least that's what the saleslady said. So how did you all reward yourself for yesterday's massive mileage? And if you didn't reward should! 26.2 miles is a huge feat! (at least I think so)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing the marathon. I liked both the Burger King and the real King-Elvis at mile 25. The salt ring is normal. It is just dried up sweat. It was so windy the sweat dried before it could all drip off. The same thing happens to cyclists. Congrats again, I enjoyed the blog.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have enjoyed your blog over the last few weeks getting ready for my own run. Your fun sense of humor and thoughts make for a great blog.

I don't know about the salt but I always get that during a long run or at least one that I sweat a lot.

Now just be ready for the runners depression. I am going to try and keep running, starting in a few days.
I hope this will help.


Jen said...

The toenail thing has definitely happened to me...the ones that I didn't lose are all funky looking.
The reward is a great idea! I only ran the 1/2, but after I run the full in Chicago this fall, I'm buying myself something pretty.

Arcane said...

i get the salt thing all the time. It's a natural part of sweating so much. If you're not sweating salt than you're in trouble.

Unknown said...

Congrats Emily! I enjoy waking up at 7AM still slightly drunk to go root you on. Seriously though, that is a fantastic accomplishment. Although I read the comments about your toenails at the same time I was eating Cheese-Its. Not a good combo. Jen, Ann, Suzy, and I were so worn out after chasing you around town that afterwards we had breakfast and then took a long nap. It's good to have goals.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself for such a big accomplishment.

It is perfectly normal to be covered in salt - since you were sweating for so long. The toenail thing is perfectly normal. You may still actually lose your toenail. I have lost my toenail up to one month after a marathon.

I work with your mother-in-law and she has been bragging about you like CRAZY!!

This was my 11th marathon - and it is still such a great feeling after each race....but nothing compares to your first proud and make sure to set another goal soon so you have something to look forward to!!

Good luck in your training and in England!
