Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Race Registration

With the ease of everything on the web, I am surprised how difficult it is to find races online. London is a huge city for runners, so you think that this would be easy. I also tend to be a whiz at finding just about anything online. I take it as a challenge and find whatever anyone is looking for (sometimes I have even surprised my tech-saavy husband). HOWEVER, I have NOT been able to find a lot of races in London. I started by looking for "5k London" and "10k London". That pulled up the marathon, and a bunch of races in September. Well, I am only here until June 15th. Runner's World says it has a comprehensive database of races and I checked it out. No races in May, a couple in June. A lot of these races actually fall on weekdays, which I found pretty interesting. Most of them really aren't road races either...they take place in parks.

I assumed that these were really the only races in London, but the other day I saw an ad in the tube for a "city versus city" run, that looks kind of fun. It is a 10k where you sign up for Glasgow, Liverpool, or London and run in that city's corresponding race. The winning city is the city with the best average time for all participants. Unfortunately, it is on a Sunday that I have other plans.

I KNOW there are other races out there!!! My boss is running in one that he says is a "huge running festival" in Northern London this weekend. I'm thinking that the groups and meet-ups would be a good source of information, but unfortunately they all meet while I am still in work.

Oh well, looks like I will have to keep plugging away with my super-searching skills.

1 comment:

Arcane said...

Have you checked out the Sepentine Running club? They put on a 5k on the last Friday of every month in Hyde park. I ran it a few years ago. It's really cheap to enter. It's in the middle of the day though so I'm not sure if that would work for you.