Monday, May 14, 2007

Recovery Run

So, running 3 miles this weekend seemed a little pointless. It was actually pretty hard to get motivated to get up and do it. My ipod wasn't working either, since I hadn't charged it in so long, but it was ok, because I was only gone for 20 something minutes :) For that amount of time I could entertain myself by singing songs in my head.

I also scouted a new hill for me to run on Tuesday. That is when I am going to do some hill repeats. Hill repeats are always greeted with a mixed sense of dread and relief for me. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I actually ENJOY them. I mean, there is something rewarding about them. AND they are over with rather quickly. It kind of reminds me of pulling a band-aid off really quickly. And call me a masochist, but when my calves hurt that badly the day afterwards, I feel like I actually worked my muscles hard and I kind of like it.

My hill that I found is called Penton Rise, and it has an ascent of 53 feet over .17 miles. (So it is no Cliff Street in Eden Park, but I am also training for a much shorter distance). It will have to do for now until I find more daunting hills. By the way, I think it is funny that streets with huge hills tip you off to it in their names: Penton RISE, CLIFF street.


sallen said...

Hi, I've been following your blogs and find it so helpful. I have experienced many of the same things even the post-race blues. I'm going to do the Columbus full and did the 1/2 at the Pig.

Jen said...

Just out of curiousity, since I just took that post-race survey...what do you think about the (possible) 3-race event next year? Amazing challenge, or absolute torture?

Unknown said...

I couldn't find the post-race survey, so I have no idea what you are talking about. It was probably in some email that I glanced over and got distracted with something else...interested to hear more about this 3-race event though...

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily, The Pig people email the post race survey to the email address you gave them when you registered. For those who haven't seen it, the Pig's thinking of doing a 3-pack option next year where you'd run both a 5K and 10K on Saturday and then the Marathon on Sunday. For Little Miss Risky, I think the people are nuts! Being someone who'd just be happy to finish a marathon (I did Half this year), I'd never run two other races the day before my marathon. I don't know why they're considering that! Maybe ultra-runners could do it, but we mere mortals would probably end up overexterting ourselves and jeopardize (or at least hurt) our main goal of running a good marathon. Menstir