Monday, July 16, 2007

Evil Shorts

This Saturday I realized why I like running in a skirt so much. We had an 11-miler, and since I've been so spotty at doing the laundry lately, I had to settle for some running shorts instead of my usual running skirt. BIG MISTAKE.

I knew I was in trouble when I felt the swish swish swish of my shorts between my thighs in the first three miles. By mile 5 I was really hurting. I stopped for water somewhere around mile 7 and checked out the damage. At that point I had all of these little like, holes on both of my inner thighs. They were really burning. I was like 'well I just have to suck it up and forget about it'. Which was fine. I mean, it actually worked (mind over matter)...for awhile. Then, because it was so hot, I decided to run through a sprinkler that someone had trickling over the sidewalk. Whoops. Total mistake. I kind of forgot that putting water on chafing marks will only make them burn more.

The ironic thing was that I made sure that I wore a lot of Body Glide since I have had the same problem with my navel ring on my past two long runs. I guess I didn't think about wearing it on my thighs because the skirt has never given me that problem.

I also hate the shorts because unlike all of my other running pants and skirts they were low rise. So when my shirt rode up, (like it always does) it revealed my concave waist going into my convex belly. Yes, in other words a little pot belly. Gross.

Other than that the run was good. Now I just have to deal with the (now) red gashes on my inner thighs. I should buy stock in Neosporin during the running season.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hey Emily!

So sorry about the chafing. With the warmer weather, I find my self putting BG on my thighs, around my sports bra, under my arms, anywhere where skin meets skin or there is friction. The worst though is the shower afterwards! Keep up the blogging, I love reading them after our group runs!