Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Gym....oooooh, a Gym!

Sorry. Simpsons reference. I am a total nerd.

Last night I hit the gym for some weight lifting. I can already tell the difference after three weeks of weights. I am debating whether or not to continue this as I train for the next marathon. I mean, I will definitely continue doing my arms, back, chest and abs, but I don't know about the legs. Coach Joe says it kind of depends. He doesn't necessarily think it is a good idea because if you are lifting on your non-running days your legs don't really get a rest day. That is enough for me to say I will quit weight training during marathon season. It makes sense. But he also said that plenty of people do it and don't have a problem. I mean, I am not trying to be psycho body-building girl or anything...I just can see how it can really help.

That being said, I can't even do two of the machines for legs because they irritate my knees. I guess I have answered my own question.

One thing I love about the weight room...I always feel like a total weakling because my settings on my upper body are so low. And there are usually only men in the weight room, so most times I have to take the peg and move it up like 100 pounds or something ridiculous and then I have to watch the guy after me take the peg out and move it waaaaay down after me. BUT, the settings on my legs are so high. They usually make the men look like weaklings. Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm like "yeah! Take that!" in my head. Except for last night when this older (like 70 something) slender man was doing abductions while I was doing adductions. When we switched I saw he was on 130 while I can only do 100. I sort of felt like when all the people with strollers and all of the old skinny people pass me in a race. ;)

Oh well! That is more incentive to keep in shape forever!

UPDATED 7/5/07: to include new youtube link

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