Monday, July 23, 2007

I Totally Renege

I know. I know. I go on and on about how I hate running in Glendale. And how I hate doing loops. But I actually had a really really nice, enjoyable run this weekend. DESPITE the fact that I ended up running up and down one street 4 times in order to get all of my mileage in.

Since I was on the upper end of mileage for the group this weekend I did:
1. a 6.6 mile loop around Glendale (the most BORING part was a street that wrapped around by UPS that seemed to go on forever)
2. a 2.4 mile loop around by the Grande Finale which seemed extremely short
3. a 2.5 mile loop in the neighborhoods of Glendale, by where the Black Squirrel 5k is usually run
4. a 1.2 mile loop along the RR tracks (again!) to get me close to the 13-14 miles I needed to run.

I should have probably done another 1.2 miles to actually get me up to 13.9 instead of 12.7, but really, I could not run that whole RR track thing another time without going insane.

I think the weather makes all the difference. I was beating myself up in my past runs because I was doing between a 11-14 minute mile throughout the runs and walking up some of the hills. I felt totally out of shape and angry with myself. I guess it truly must be the heat/humidity though. Saturday I did 10 minute miles the entire way. That's more like it! It was beautiful out, and not the normal 85+ and humid. So my confidence is restored.

Even better, after the run I rewarded myself by going to pick up the new Harry Potter which I had on reserve so I could read it at the pool all day. Because I am a big believer in the theory that you have to reward yourself. :)

Tonight is an easy 3-mile run, which means my husband will be running with me. (Which also means I have to pick up the pace a bit). Oh well, I need to do speedwork.

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