Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yasso 800s and a Bad Knee

Grrrrr. My knee is acting up again. I took Sunday and Monday off to rest it. OK, well, I actually did some working out yesterday...but no legs. I just hit the weight room to do arms. I am banking on something Coach Joe B said, which is, if you increase the strength in your arms you will be a faster runner (because your legs speed up to accomodate your arm speed). I am definitely icing tonight after the workout.

Tonight is speedwork. More precisely, Yasso 800s. I didn't even know what these were until I read about them in this month's Runner's World. Basically, they involve 10 x 800 (two laps around the track) at the time you want to finish your marathon. So, if you want to be slow, like me, (my goal is to finish in less than 5 hours this time, so 4:59) you would do each 800 at 4 minutes and 59 seconds. I have never done this type of training before, and I always seemed to be out of town when we did track work in the last marathon group. We'll see how it goes. But already in my mind I am being negative, because there was a reason in high school that I ran on the cross country team and not the track team.

I also have another question. I have been reading a lot about getting your VO2 Max measured. I know of one place in
that does it, but it seems REALLY expensive. Has anyone got it done? Is it worth it?


Anonymous said...

For a couple of quick and easy calculators, check out Revel Sports or drgilly.com

Both links can be found on the wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VO2_max)

Amber said...

Hey Emily!

Sorry to hear about your knee...is it runner's knee or IT band issues? I skipped last night's workout. I wasn't feeling 100% and it was just too dang hot and I HATE track workouts! I would rather do hills 3 days in a row! I can't wait to hear how the Yassos went.

One more thing, at the Wednesday night injury clinics at the spot, a fitness girl named Mary Beth comes and for fun will test people's VOMAX. These appointments fill up quick, but it would be free! Go to the running spot website and check the injury clinic schedule to see when she will be there. I am out of town this Saturday so I did my 13 miles last Saturday. Good luck this weekend!

Unknown said...

I actually have always a Patellar Tracking problem. It's just been bad this week. Maybe my overtraining is catching up with me. You exactly described my mental state last night before practice. I so did not want to go and the heat was horrible. But I ended up really liking the 800s.

I will have to check out that injury clinic! Thanks for the tip!