Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hurrah! and Ptttt!

So...the bad first. Last night Bill and I went for a three-mile run. My schedule says that I should do a three mile run on Sunday and have a rest day on Monday, but since I went to a bachelorette party on Saturday and was up all night I decided to switch things up. Anyway, we were probably not even a mile into our run and my left calf started straining. It felt really really tight. No big deal, I stopped to stretch it out...this happens a lot when I run and then I stretch and am fine. Nope. Not yesterday. So we walked the rest of the way home. I felt bad for cutting our workout short, but I had no idea how long we were running tonight, only that we were doing a negative split so I didn't want to push it. We went home and took our dog on a walk and that seemed to help losen it up. So I'm hoping it will be okay tonight.

Another pttt is that I may have to work late tonight and therefore may not even be doing a group run. I hope that is not the case.

However I am excited because I finally got some new CDs in the mail. I am excited to have new music to run to. I was getting sick of my old playlist. I got Amy Winehouse's Back to Black, Lily Allen's Alright Still... and Mika's Life in Cartoon Motion. I am most excited about the Lily Allen CD. I guess I am being musically affected by my stay in London :)


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. I am not a great runner but to do 10 miles is normally not a problem. Today I knew I should not have even got out of bed. I did not even want to go. Half way through I lost all my energy and had to run walk home. I hated it. But you know what they always say. Bad miles are better than none at all.

When I got home I got the comment of (Did you get lost?)

Hopefully our next runs will be better.

Amber said...

Hey Emily!

I skipped the group run last night to do a family dinner, and it looks like yall might have gotten rained out anyway. Don't worry about having to walk some. You are SMART for listening to your body. My goal this time around is to do exactly what the training schedule says and not get injured. I have been doing my 3 mile runs on a treadmill because if I do them outside, 3 miles turns into 6 because I LOVE running outside. We are going to be pros at this soon I think! See ya Saturday.

Unknown said...

Hmmm, thanks for all of the encouragement. I guess there is no need to beat yourself up when you are doing something very good for yourself in the first place :)

And btw, I too love running outside. I will pick it a million times over the treadmill!