Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

So I realized WHY we are running so many miles so quickly. Last time we had an entire extra month of training. Duh.

So, on Saturday I went to Roncker's for the running group. I was excited because we were doing my favorite route, the out and back from the store to the Celestial, which includes all of my favorite Mt. Adams hills. I am not being sarcastic...I do love this route. I know that everyone else dreads running in Eden Park, but I actually like it.
It was already very very hot. I was not worried though because I knew I could do the Hyde Park Blast course in blistering heat and humidity.

Well, I guess four miles is different than seven. I was feeling really good...until I hit about 5 miles. Then I was DRAINED. It was like the heat just was sucking out all of my energy. I knew it wasn't muscle fatigue or anything like that because I felt fine when I was running in the shade. But then I would get to a sunny patch and ZAP...forget it! I didn't even want to look at my watch at the end. (Especially since I walked for some of it).

But, I didn't do as badly as I thought I would...I ended up with an 11 minute mile pace. Not great, but definitely not as bad as I thought.

Tonight is a pace run, which I think means that we will do another distance run at marathon pace.

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