Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Friday Before

So I guess since I have a lot of time here I have been obsessing about things. Like what I am going to do in the two days before the marathon. Of course I will be traipsing through the airport, schlepping around my bags (well, until I see my husband, who will take over that...he is such a gentleman :) And of course I will also be picking up my packet at the expo. But besides that, what?

I am a very fidgety person and I canNOT sit still. Especially if I am supposed to it still. I am also sure that if I am obsessing now, I will really be obsessing next week. So I am trying to think of things to do. Like rent movies. And I had some good ideas, like, Rocky (the first one) is always good, and maybe St. Ralph (which is a movie about a boy who runs the Boston Marathon). Probably not Chariots of Fire though. I know it is supposed to be one of the greatest movies of all time, but I just could not get into it and had to shut it off after about 20 minutes. I will also be eating pasta. And packing my running bag. I already started a list of all the things I need on my computer, so that when I think of something in the middle of the day, I just add it to the list.

Movies are NOT going to keep me still though. I will have to figure something else out.

Oh and a side note...everyone kept saying at the London Marathon "the pain is temporary, failure is forever". For a continual optimist like me I was kind of like "Oh!" It seemed a little morbid to me. I mean I had always heard "Pain is temporary, victory is forever." But the funny thing is, that every time I said that in my head, what I thinking was more along the lines of "if I don't finish this, I will be so mad at myself for failing." Maybe I am not an optimist. :)


Runner Leana said...

I have to say I've loved reading your blog. Best of luck at the Pig. I'm running the Minnie Marathon 15K the same day as the Pig, then I start training for my first half in July, my first full in January. Its great to hear all the training stories so I have some ideas of what to expect!

Anonymous said...


YOU will not fail. There is NO WAY. I've read your Blog, YOU are a winner. Now, before you think I'm some sort of rah! rah! Dale Carnegie drop out, let me explain. I can't guarantee you, or any other athlete (yes, you are an athlete, how cool is that?) will complete the marathon. There are just too many things you can't control: weather and health being two of many. You are doing, and have done, what it takes to be successful. You've prepared, studied, ate, trained, worried, worried some more, trained more, ate some more, worried again etc. You ARE ready, you ARE prepared. The only thing left is to go out and do it. That day will come quickly enough. The only thing that COULD keep you from your goal, would be something you can't control. Can't worry about what you can't control :-) !

I hope that you have a great race, and a great memory.......and yes, the spin the Brits put on a formerly positive and uplifting "saying" does seem more than just a bit morbid.

Thanks for your honest inspiration. My race will be better, because of you!


AC (Alcoholic Clydesdale?)