Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Running Across the Pond

No, I do not have magical powers that allow me to run on top of water. However, my company will be sending me to work in their London office for a few weeks. I was really nervous about this because we have our longest run ever scheduled for Saturday and there was talk that I was going to leave early this week. I could not imagine getting off a plane and trying to figure out a 20 mile route in a city that I am fairly unfamiliar with. Not to mention that I would be jetlagged and unmotivated. It turns out I am leaving on Saturday, which will really help me out! I can run in the morning and THEN hop on the plane. This basically will force me to rest my legs anyway, which I am very bad at doing after long runs. (I am someone who has to be constantly moving, so although I tell myself I am going to rest on Saturdays I usually end up running around doing laundry, cleaning, shopping, etc.) While I am there I am going to follow my training schedule, which should not be so bad because we are tapering, and our mileage goes WAY down. Way down like, I think our last run before the marathon is 3-4 miles. Crazy. These are the running things I will miss though:

1. My husband(of course) who motivates me daily
2. The clinics - I am missing a tapering clinic, AND a "last minute" clinic
3. the team cookout - I am so mad I am missing this!!! I bet it will be a lot of fun!
4. Running with a group - it will take a lot for me to make sure I keep up with my training.

However, I will get to run in London! Fun!
And I am going to try and watch some of the London Marathon , which is April 22nd!


ebear said...

I don't know you and I came across your blog due to the flying pig website. I will be running in indy this year so I will miss the fun. Just wanted to say good luck and be ready for the hills.


Anonymous said...

Be careful flying after a long run-- The risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT, blood clots in the legs) increases significantly after strenuous activity and long term immobility (caused by venous injury from the run, followed by venous stasis from sitting on a long flight). Marathon runners normally do not take long flights after races due this well known risk. Consult an M.D. for further info.

Unknown said...

Good call about the DVT...I called my doctor this morning!