Thursday, April 26, 2007

Short Runs

So I was looking at my schedule for next week and my runs are insanely short. (Btw, everyone here laughs when I say that 6 miles is a short run.) My "long run" for this week is 7 miles! And then it drops drastically to 3-4 miles! Lately when I have been doing my 5-6 milers I feel like that is just enough to clear my head a little. It is like a nice casual jog and like I am not even training for a marathon.

After the marathon, I already have plans to train for the Hyde Park Blast. It is a 4.1 mile race, which makes me laugh right now, but I know that after the marathon, it will take almost nothing for me to slip back into low mileage. I know that by the Blast I will feel like 4 miles is a long run.

I am a little frustrated because I really haven't had a chance to train in the heat. I either run in the evening after work or in the early morning before it gets a chance to get hot. I want to be prepared for everything, but I know that is not possible. I just keep thinking about the Heart Mini Marathon and how hot it was...but you know what? I made it through that, and I'll make it through the marathon, no matter what the weather is like! And I guess that's the reason the marathon starts so early!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Isn't it a great feeling when people laugh when you call 5 miles short. I saw an add in RW one time that said, "You know you're a runner if you use the words ONLY and 10K in the same sentence :-)! I had another young (and wise) runner tell me that one of the reasons she liked running Marathons so much was because when she told people, they were so blown away, that they didn't even ask about her "time." Then she added, "most wouldn't even know if it was good anyway."

Not being able to train in the weather you're going to be running in is frustrating, but a reality. You are a REAL person, with a REAL life. Unfortunately neither you or I (or any REAL people) can go out and just stop our lives to perfect our training. I trained for Disney a few years back, in zero degree and below weather, only to get to Disney (in January) to have a "local" friend describe the weather as "stupid hot." It was! I've had faster races. OH WELL ;-)!

Oh yeah, the Hyde Park Blast, is a BLAST. Gotta love getting beer tickets with your BIB. Still not as good as the Reggae Run, but fun none-the-less.

Enjoy the Taper, you've earned it!