Saturday, April 7, 2007

Self-praise and Shadowboxing

OK, OK, I finked out. We had the option of doing 11 or 13 miles today, and even though I was feeling pretty good, I did the 11-miler. However, I FELT GREAT! And I kept thinking about how cool it was that 11 miles makes me feel great, not exhausted, not in immense pain. I was laughing with one of the girls from the group because we were reminiscing about how just a few weeks ago 9 miles was the longest we had run. 9 miles is nothing now!

So, Shadowboxing...

I first noticed that I shadowbox when I was running the Heart Mini-Marathon. It is every time that the Black Eyed Peas' "Pump It" comes on my shuffle. I know I go on and on about this song like it is my job, but it really really gets me going. So yes, I shadowbox to this song. And mouth the words. But only the refrain...the "PUMP IT" part. I might even grunt a little bit. Anyway, I'm sure it looks really funny. I have even tried to stop, but I can't help it. I am probably the only weirdo runner that does stuff like that. I think it's because I always wanted to be in musical theatre. I am overly dramatic. more thing. I am sitting here and Bill (my husband) is watching me and asked if I felt like Doogie Howser. NO, I do NOT feel like Doogie Howser, Bill.


Anonymous said...

hello am going to be running the pig also and it will be my first marathon too. Am up to 18 miles now. Two more weeks and it will be 20. keep up to good work. oh what are you going to do at the marathon about the music i read that ipods or not permented.

Anonymous said...

I completly agree with what you are saying! I am training for my first marathon too and recently my sister and I ran 10 miles and I actually said "ya know, I think I am going to run 10 miles on friday every week, even after the marathon!" I can't believe I really believe 10 miles is a "short" (long) run!

Brian said...

Have fun with your first marathon!! Be proud that you have done what it takes to toe the start line and celebrate like mad when you cross the finish line! Soak it all in! You'll want to remember everything... even the end when it gets really tough! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

i totally move my arms around to the music, too. You are definitely not alone with that! If you ever see a crazy girl moving her arms in crazy rhythms while running down the street you've probably found me.