Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Hills are Alive

OK, so I was a little bummed that I was going to have to train in London. In my mind, London was very flat. I guess that is because when I was acting as a non-runner tourist I didn't pay attention to hills. Well, London DOES have hills. Especially where I am staying, in Islington. There are so many hills on the way to work that I feel like my walk there is a workout. That being said, my calves and knees has finally started to act up again (I knew there was no way I was in the clear after that 20 mile run). So tonight is a long walk, some icing and an Aleve. Tomorrow will be a run. Coach said at this point, the most important thing is to make sure I get the cardio in. I have worked so hard, I am not going to botch it by injuring myself. On the other hand I don't want my muscles to atrophy either...so I am exercising the principle of I know what's best for my body. Which I think I do now...I couldn't say that at the beginning of the marathon training, but I think I have learned a lot now! This weekend is the London Marathon, and I am going to the park to watch at least some of it. Exciting!

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