Friday, April 27, 2007

Inspirational Movies

So maybe this is something I took from high-school swimteam, but the night before a big race I like to sit down, eat pizza, and watch an inspirational movie. We did this in the form of "shave-down" parties in high school . (No, it is nothing nasty, it is about doing a final shave to make you feel faster in the water after going through a whole season of not shaving). Anyway, I am WAAAAY off track.

So we watched a ton of inspirational movies. Here are my favorites in no particular order:
Rocky (my all-time favorite)
Saint Ralph
Billy Elliot
Dead Poet's Society

OK, but since high school I think a few more have come out, so I'm a little behind on my list.
Has anyone seen:
Without Limits
The Long Run

Are they any good?
Are there any more that I should be adding to my list?


Anonymous said...

best of the best is a great movie

nydampress said...

You should definitely check out "Running on the Sun" It is a documentary about the Badwater Ultra-marathon. Those people are so incredible, definitely inspiring!
By the way, I have enjoyed reading your blog :) I too will be coming out (from CT) to run the pig. Good luck to you in the race, it sounds like you are going to do great!

Amber said...

One of my all time favorite sport/"you can do it" movies is Remember The Titans. Denzel Washington can be my running coach anyday. Great Soundtrack too!

Another good movie with a good soundtrack that I swear I have seen 1000 times and it never gets old is Practical Magic. It is such a good sisterish bonding movie and makes me feel the girl power.

Hope all is well in London!

Arcane said...

Hoosiers is a good inspirational movie. Probably my favorite movie of all time.

Anonymous said...

Without limits was an excellent movie, but it doesn't make you feel good at the end. Chariots of Fire is always a good prerace movie.

KonaScott said...

I thought Cinderella Man was a good one. Also, Touching the Void is good one to watch if you anticipate any pain or feelings of not being able to make it to the finish...all you have to do is think about what that climber went through and you'll feel a lot better about your predicament. Don't worry, it's not gross or anything...just totally amazing. Good luck out there.

KP said...

Of the two movies about Pre, "Without Limits" is by far the better movie (in my opinion)...better script, better acting/actors, and it was actually filmed at the University of Oregon and Hayward Field. Yeah, the ending of the movie is sad, but you know that going in. The documentary "Fire on the Track" about Pre is also excellent. It is shown every year on one of the TV stations in Eugene the night before the Prefontain Classic and is available on DVD now.