Monday, April 16, 2007

Hurrah for Me!

I did it! I ran the entire 20 miles!
I felt like I wanted to wear a sticker the whole day that said "be nice to me, I ran 20 miles today" know, sort of like the ones they give you when you give blood.
The thing that was bad is that it was raining the ENTIRE time. I don't usually mind, but when my running clothes were soaked it started to make me cold. But not until mile 11, so I guess that is good.
I pretty much felt great the whole time. The first 11 was cake! We saw the runners from the Fleet Feet group, who I also think were doing their twenty (although I have heard that they have already done a few 20s). I smiled at all of them and said good job to some of them because I heard through the grapevine that they think the Roncker group is too serious and not nice. :) It is kind of like the Sharks and Jets of running. I am just joking of course. :)
Anyway, I stopped at the restrooms at the 11 mile, forgetting that pulling soaking wet running tights back on is kind of hard to do. That is when I started to get freezing. It probably didn't help that my soaking wet shirt that was under my jacket kept rolling up as well. I put my gloves back on, which I hardly ever use.
By mile 14 I was DEAD. I just kept thinking "all I have left is Eastern, and I am done".
I HATE Eastern. It is the longest, flattest street ever. I just kept thinking I would be faster if I walked. My legs were KILLING me. I did it though. I finished. Now I KNOW that I can do the 26.2. Hurrah!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
Taper! Taper! Taper!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I saw a gaggle of runners on Observatory Road Saturday all running their 20's and I knew you were out there somewhere. Congratulations!

I'm not running the full pig this year and seeing everyone gutting it out in the rain made me break down and cry. I am so sad, and so jealous.

I know exactly how you felt about the "sticker." You earned it! It should say "Be nice to me. I just ran 20 miles in the RAIN!"

Anonymous said...

All right! You go girl!!! ok, my husband & I also ran our 20 miler last wknd & I have to say, it wasn't very much fun....but alas, like you we triumphed & got thru it. I have to ask you - what was your time?