Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Tapeworm

Sorry. That is disgusting...and an exaggeration of course.
I AM eating like crazy though. I am hungry all the time. It started the day after I ran the 20 miler. I mean, that part makes sense...I depleted like, an entire day of calories. I guess my body is just trying to catch up now or something. That's all I can think of because I really have cut down my mileage drastically. I mean, my last run was only 5 miles but I am eating like I ran 20.

It's weird too. I have heard of people in marathon training who sit down to a 10 course meal, but mine is not like that. I can sit down to a regular meal and be full. But then 15 minutes later I am hungry again. And this goes on every 15 minutes or so until I go to bed. This makes it pretty difficult since I am travelling. At least I am staying in a flat instead of a hotel. That way I have all kinds of food stocked up.

I am trying to keep it healthy...granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit and cereal with only the occasional cookie. I know this is probably not a big deal to most people, but I am the fast food queen, so this is not normal for me. It is weird though, because healthier food is all that I want.

I am NOT trying to lose weight or anything, especially these last few weeks. (I read an article on tapering that said you should actually be eating a LOT of calories and a lot of carbs and fat with some sodium, and that you WILL gain weight in the last week but it is no big deal since it will come right off afterwards). However, I don't want to overeat. I have no idea when enough is enough. Argh.


Anonymous said...


You are hilarious and refreshing. I've read much of your Blog. It would absolutely make my day to see AA running on by me as I shuffle my way to another 4 hour plus finish.

Thank goodness you DON'T have to give up drinking in order to run a marathon......not sure how that decision would have gone for me.

As to your comment about gaining weight during your taper, I'm fairly certain my body thinks I'm on permanent taper. I bet I'd weigh 300 pounds IF I didn't run/train for marathons :-) !

You said somewhere that you hoped your Blog would help to keep your motivated. I truly hope it has. But, I also want to thank you for "re-inspiring" me and, I'm sure, countless others like me, who may have forgotten the excitement of preparing for their first marathon. I'm soooooo pumped now, and ready to run it NOW! On second thought, let's wait, there's much "taper food" to be easten :-)!

Enjoy the experience, there's nothing like the feeling of coming accross that finish line! What's the saying, "the pain is temporary, the memories will last for a lifetime." So true!

Sonia said...

Hey I just found your blog! Good luck on your first marathon!!! I just had my last 20 miler too and I am crazy hungry all the time! lol I think it's just normal! As long as you don't eat chips all day you should be alright!

Before my last (and first) marathon, I actually lost some weight during tapering but this time I am not looking at the scale...

Anyway, just wanted to say GOOD LUCK!!

Amber said...

Hey Emily!

I know how you feel about being hungry. Last Saturday Crystal and I ran our 20 miler and I didn't eat anymore than usual the rest of the day because my tummy felt "iffy". Well, I woke up at midnight that night from hunger! I felt like a ravished animal and immediatly ate a bagel, two small muffins, and anything else I could find in the dark. They say that eating many small meals a day is better for your metabolism and energy level than just 3 meals. Sounds like things are going well Take care....

Big Hawaii said...

Hi, Emily,

I am also training for my first marathon. After reading this article, I know I am normal. I also feel I am hungry most of time after I started my taper. And the running book doesn't mentione it. Now, I know I am not alone.

Thank you,
